Verbesserter Luftstrom und hoher Komfort!

Slim Cones

Größe: 109 mm
Anzahl der Cones: x3
Vorgedreht, inklusive Papierstrohhalm.
“Blumen”-Filter: exklusiv von OCB-Ingenieuren entwickelt. Perfekte Symmetrie für einen großartigen Luftstrom.

Nachhaltige geerntete Fasern
Natürlicher Akaziengummi


Filters inspired by nature: OCB Cones with Flower filter, a perfect geometry for a great air flow.

#ocb #ocbcones #flowerfilters #flower #ocbinspiredbynature

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Have you tried the new cones? They come pre-rolled with a paper straw and a flower filter.

#ocb #ocbcones #cones #prerolled

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OCB Premium Cones to start the party!

#ocb #ocbpremium #ocbcones #party

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Don`t forget your OCB Cones: perfect symmetry for a great air flow.

#ocb #ocbcones #cones #airflow #symmetry #quality

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Ready for the weekend?

#ocb #ocbrollingpapers #ocbcones #cones #weekend

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We`ve got cones: Premium cones and Virgin cones.

#ocb #new #ocbcones #cones

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New OCB cones! Pre-rolled, paper straw included and flower filter: exclusively developed by OCB engineers.

#ocb #ocbcones #rollingexperience #new

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